The Calgary Pump Symposium (CPS) is a two-day biennial event organized by major participants within the Western Canadian pump and rotating equipment industry including: manufacturers, engineering companies and end-users. The Calgary Pump Symposium has grown and evolved since its debut in 2003, for more information on the evolution of the Calgary Pump Symposium please see our History page.
The Calgary Pump Symposium is an independent, not-for-profit event that provides educational training for the pump industry. It consists of
Discussion Groups, and a
The money raised from these activities is used to sustain the CPS event every two years and to support engineering education in the Calgary area. For more information on the donations made by the CPS please visit our Donations page.
The Calgary Pump Symposium is volunteer run, by members of the rotating equipment industry, for further information on the current Board of Directors, and Advisory Committee please view our Advisory page.